Heavy Hassium-270 Lives Long

Aron Schatz
December 28, 2006
Tags Science

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This really heavy isotope of element 108 can last for 30 seconds. Being able to last that long allows scientists to probe the atomic structure and other interesting items.


Theoretical physicists predicted years ago that some nuclei of elements much more massive than uranium should survive for a relatively long time-possibly long enough to probe their chemical properties-if they could be synthesized. On the chart of nuclides, theoreticians pinpointed a region with coordinates corresponding to 114 protons and 184 neutrons and indicated that nuclei with those "magic" numbers of subatomic particles should lie at the center of an island of stability. The nuclear longevity, according to the models, is due to the closing of proton and neutron shells, which renders the particles stable against spontaneous fission much the same way that a filled outer electron shell endows noble gases with chemical inertness. Experimentalists, though, haven't yet found a route to reach the center of the island.


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