More Data Retention Laws - Violation of Privacy

Aron Schatz
June 30, 2006

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These new data retention laws go beyond what the government should be doing about terrorism (such as declaring WAR with the countries that harbor them instead of draconian laws that strip our civil freedoms). Now they want internet sites to retain data. This is an OUTRAGE. This goes beyond spying, this is a HUGE invasion of privacy for EVERYONE that uses the internet. Comcast is increasing their retention to 180 days in response to this crap. I'm looking to drop them soon and go with someone else. I agree that keeping logs is important (for technical reasons alone), but to mask spying in the guise of terrorism and child porn? These are the new trump cards of the government and unless WE THE PEOPLE do something about it, it will continue.

You need to start asking yourselves if civil liberties and privacy are important to you. If they are, call up your political representation and tell them to A) stop taking away our civil liberties and personal privacy in response to terrorism and B) screw themselves.


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