Cell phones suck

Aron Schatz
April 7, 2003
Tags Mobile

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There is alot of suck into the news. Even the inventer of cell phones says they suck. This is a really good Q&A session, you need to read it.


Q: Are you satisfied with voice coverage?
A: We have not yet achieved the original dream. There was no technical reason why cellular shouldn't be as reliable and as low in cost as a wired phone. If you can serve enough people from a single station and you don't have to run wires to a new location, it ought to be lower in cost. The carriers have to move onto the next generation of technology. And they ought to focus instead of looking for different applications and forcing these applications on people; they ought to be fixing the fundamental problem: getting voice right. You can make a call, but how long can you keep talking before it drops?


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