Reviews for the past couple of days

Aron Schatz
February 1, 2003
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Well, I'm going to hold off a guide that I was going to put up today. I'll put it up tomorrow. We also have two new monthly things coming out this coming week. Stay tuned for that. I'll hold off on the comments for now, just let's give Columbia a bit more silence Sad.

AutoDeletePro Red Maple Leaf Fan Grill @ MTB.
Crucial vs Sapphire R9700 @ 3DV.
Chameleon case @ PC Abusers.
Coolermaster ATCS @ Hexus.
AOpen AK77-8XN @ Techseekers.
FIC AU11 @ 3DGM.
SilenttMax ST-11 @ TecCentral.
Stealth-X case @ OCA.
Connect3D R9500 Pro @ Hexus.


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