End of the World

November 14, 2002
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At least the end of North America anyway. You hear people talking about it all the time, but strong evidence that it should've happened 40 thousand years ago and still will someday? If you worry easily you'd be better off just ignoring the article, but it's not that terrifying.

This may be very significant to the End Days - fire and brimstone in large quantities. In recent years it has been discovered that Yellowstone is one of a few known examples of a supervolcano. These volcanoes erupt only rarely, but with a force at least 1000 times that of ordinary volcanoes.

It explodes regularly every 600,000 years - in between it is quiet, now it is overdue.

This has been going on for at least 10,000,000 years. The craters (calderas) from the last 3 eruptions have been identified and date from 600,000 years, 1,200,000 years and 1,800,000 years.

...And I'm Feelin Fine.

I'm not crazy, here's another link.

This supervolcano threatens the long-term survival of the United States of America, but it is also an opportunity in disguise, IF Americans decide to take adequate positive action. The magnitude of the potential explosion can be measured in terms of thousands of nuclear weapons -- certainly such is not at all desirable on U.S. soil. However, until the explosion occurs, all that truly exists is a vast reservior of heat-energy. And America has an energy crisis, does it not? It seems a foregone conclusion that either this nation can extract and use that energy -- or we will be sorely abused by the blatantly obvious consequences of failure to act in time: thousands of immediate deaths, hundreds of thousands of asphyxiated deaths in all the nearby States, and tens of millions of starvation-deaths due to climatic change. (And that is just the U.S.A....)


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