Asus Ti 4200 review

Aron Schatz
July 25, 2002
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HardOCP has a review of an Asus Ti 4200.


The biggest GeForce4 killers did not come from other companies, they come from NVIDIA themselves. What do I mean? Let's talk about it for a minute. The GeForce4 Ti4600 and Ti4400 launched with the GF4MX series of cards. It soon became apparent that the Ti4400 was the card to go with, leaving the GF4 MX card out in the cold. The features and performance made the Ti4400 the obvious choice over the GF4MX for the budget minded gamer. Then along comes the Ti4200 pumping out numbers that rival any Ti4400 at a price that is a full hundered dollars cheaper in most case. Did the Ti4200 steal some of the Radeon 8500 thunder, of course, but the biggest brunt of the Ti4200 blast when it hit the market was felt by both the MX and the Ti4400.


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