CES 2008 Day 4

Aron Schatz
Logan King
January 11, 2008
CES 2008 Day 4
Day 4 coverage of CES 2008: One of largest consumer electronics shows in the world. The Sands has some very intersting things to show off.

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CES is one of the biggest consumer electronics show in the world. Hosted in Las Vegas at the start of the year, the show welcomes well over 100,000 people. During the last couple of days of CES, another show is in town which we will show some pictures of as well.


These daily articles will be a bit light on details. ASE Labs will write a follow-up article next week to get into much more details with better pictures including press kit photos. These photos are taken directly from the show floor by the photography editor, Steven Susman.


Trust is a company that makes input devices and other peripherals. They have a huge presence in Europe and just announced the American launch of their products at CES. Trust is on the same tier as Logitech in terms of support and products offered. They offer many products that are extremely well designed and it really looks like they will give Logitech great competition which the market always needs.


Let's start with input devices. Trust has every kind of input device that is offered on the market today. They have media center wireless keyboards with built-in trackballs (shown) and other great offerings. The initial feel of the product is excellent with nice lines and a great finish.


Trust also has products to compete with tablet makers such as Wacom. Their tablets are real eye catchers since they are nice and flat and very large. Unfortunately, no pricing was given, but expect these products to be competitive in the market.


Trust produces many products with a different form factor that makes you ask; Why wasn't this done before? They have many USB hubs in different sizes and shapes for each condition possible. If you need mobile USB hubs, they offer a hub that hides the cord in the unit. Do you need many USB plugs? The product shown has seven (7) USB ports.


They are also a market leader by making the smallest USB Bluetooth receiver. This little guy measure about 7mm and barely sticks out of the USB port it is plugged in to. Trust looks like it is ready to make a big splash in the market place and while I love Logitech's products, it is great to see such competition. I look forward to reviewing Trust's products this year. Trust.

Arctic Cooling:


Arctic Cooling makes well designed cooling products. Shown here is a new 8 heatpipe CPU cooling that will be out very soon. Arctic Cooling was also showing off other great cooling products and cases, but this is one thing that really caught my eye due to the size and the design. Expect more Arctic Cooling reviews from ASE Labs this year. Arctic Cooling.

Lian Li:


Lian Li was at the Sands showing off some of their excellent cases. The one shown is bathed in red and demonstrates the quality of their cases with the cutting and edging. Lian Li always made great aluminum cases and this year is no different.


They also showed a case specially designed for the Xbox 360. This case allows you to take the components out of the 360 and insert them into this new case. It offers better airflow and much better cooling. Maybe it won't crash as much in this case. ASE Labs should have Lian Li products for review this year. Lian Li.
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The Optimus:


The Optimus keyboard was on display at the Sands as well. This keyboard looks great, but it is a product arriving too late and is way to expensive. It is over $400. This is one for the ultra ritzy. Maybe if Apple picks up the technology and make it cheaper it can be a success. Art. Lebedev.


Each year, there are a bunch of neat products that catch your eye. Here are some products that we were looking at while roaming the floor of the Sands.


This handy gadget reseals bags with heat. The demo was very impressive and is available for most stores like Walmart today.


I have no idea why I'm holding a stuffed panda, but there you go. It makes noises when you pet it.


These great snorkeling (and soon, SCUBA) goggles have a built-in camera that allows movies and stills to be capture. It has built-in memory and also includes a micro SD card slot. This is a very cool product that is made by a husband and wife team. ASE Labs wishes them luck with their product. Lquid Image.


The sushi lovers of the world now have a companion flash drive. Yes, these pieces of sushi are flash drives. Tasty, huh?


Lastly, an improved version of the great USB missile launcher. This new version includes a webcam to give you a target to lock-on to.


CES was great this year and next week ASE Labs will be proving a follow-up articles with press kit photos and more product information about the companies shown. I hope you enjoyed reading these articles. Thank you for reading and be sure to stop by the forums.
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