Gawker Media Has Been Compromised

December 13, 2010

Page 1: News Post

It's all around the Internet, but I just found out. Some of the highlights that I found interesting are that the hackers (yes, they are of the malicious variety) apparently managed to compromise the entire thing: they downloaded all of Gawker's source code, found out they were running a Linux kernel that's over a year old, and have posted a database that supposedly includes the account information of anyone that has ever posted a comment to a Gawker Media website.

Oh, but it get a little bit worse - plenty of the Gawker Media staff use weak passwords, use the same password for many different accounts, and haven't encrypted the password database of its users - quite ironic, considering Lifehacker's wealth of password security and encryption tutorials.

The easiest way to find out more, at this point, it probably just to run a Google search for: gawker media hacked.


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